I know!! It’s hard to comprehend how powerful single days in the market can be and that by missing them we can miss out on a whole lot of gains. I’m sure you’ve heard that missing the 10 best days out of the last 30 years would have led to only half of the S&P 500’s total return. Missing the top 30 days would have led to missing 83% of the index return. It’s virtually impossible to time these days as well!
What a difference a day can make :-)
I know!! It’s hard to comprehend how powerful single days in the market can be and that by missing them we can miss out on a whole lot of gains. I’m sure you’ve heard that missing the 10 best days out of the last 30 years would have led to only half of the S&P 500’s total return. Missing the top 30 days would have led to missing 83% of the index return. It’s virtually impossible to time these days as well!